7 клас


Любі діти! Ось і закінчився навчальний рік. Щоб не забути за літо все те, що ви вивчили протягом року постійно переглядайте вивчений матеріал, говоріть, співайте, читайте, пишіть англійською мовою. Гарного відпочинку влітку!

Wednesday,the twenty seventh of May.
Revision Lesson.

Monday,the twenty fifth of May.
Writing Test (Контрольна робота з письма)
Task 1. Match the words.( Знайдіть  переклад, кодуєте.)
1.  to have a good rest                             а) знайти багато нових друзів
2.  to visit places of interest                    б) бігати підтюпцем вранці
3. to go to the country to see granny       в) подорожувати міжміським автобусом
4. to swim and to lie in the sun                г) купити необхідні речі
5.  to enjoy the holidays                           д) мати хороший відпочинок
6. to dream about adventures                    е) плавати і засмагати
7. to travel by coach                                 є) поїхати в село побачитися з бабусею
8. to make many new friends                    ж) відвідувати цікаві місця
9. to jog in the morning                             з) насолоджуватися канікулами
10.  to buy necessary things                       и) мріяти про пригоди

Task 2.  Find the odd word. (Знайдіть зайве слово.)
1) interesting, beautiful, wonderful, boring, nice.
2) travelling, bathe, swim, play, sunbathe.
3) people, visitors, pupils, children, cinema.
4) coach, ice – cream, bus, train, plane.
5) sunny, warm, hot, cold, fine.
6) football field, theatre,  museum,  art gallery, cinema.

Task 3. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple or Past Perfect of the verbs in brackets.
( Поставте дієслова в дужках в минулому простому чи минулому доконаному часі)
1.     I ________________________ (worry) a lot about her before I  __________
(hear) that she was safe.
2.     After he _____________________ (work) at the hospital for two years he ______________(decide) to give up the job.
3.     When I ___________ (arrive) at the party John ____________ already ________ (go) home.

Task 4. Complete the sentences with a little or a few.(Заповніть пропуски словами a little чи a few)
1.     I’ve got ________ money. Let’s have coffee.
2.     I’ve got________ stamps that you can use.
3.     I’ve got________ time. Do you want to talk?
4.     She can speak ________ Spanish.
5.     They made _________ mistakes, but it was OK.
6.     There are ________ new hotels since you last visited.

Friday,  the twenty second of May.
Listening Test.
Записуєте дату і заголовок з блогу, слухаєте текст і виконуєте завдання.

Wednesday,the twentieth of May.
Reading Test.
My friend.
My name is Natalia. I am twelve years old. I am from Kharkiv. As an ordinary person, I like to communicate with my schoolmates. But I've got one real friend. Her name is Vita. We are classmates. Vita is not very tall, but she is slim and pretty. She's got shoulder-length dark wavy hair and blue eyes. Vita is a very honest and responsible girl. I can absolutely trust her and I often rely on her in some situations. Vita loves animals very much. She has got a cat at home. She loves him greatly. Vita always feeds stray dogs if she meets them in the street. She is a serious and hard-working girl. She pays much attention to studying. Vita is fond of Biology. In the future she wants to become a doctor. We spend our days off together. We sometimes go to the theatre or cinema. In spring and in summer we ride bikes in the park or go on picnics with our families or walk around the centre of the city. We can talk for hours about all sorts of things (looks, films, school). Of course, we sometimes misunderstand each other but we try to make peace quickly. I respect my friend for her intellect, honesty and kindness. I think we are both happy to be friends.

І. Correct the sentences.(Виправ помилки і запиши речення правильно)
1. Natalia is fourteen years old.
2. Her friend's name is Ksenia.
3. Her friend has got long fair hair and green eyes.
4. Vita loves fish and she's got fish at home.
5.  She is fond of literature.
6. Vita wants to be a vet in the future.
7. Natalia respect her friend because Vita is very brave and strong.

ІІ.Copy out of the text the traits of Vita's character. (Випиши з тексту риси характеру  (7 )Віти)

ІІІ. Fill in the gaps. (Заповни пропуски, відома перша буква пропущеного слова )
1. Natalia and Vita are c____________.
2. Vita has got s____________-length hair.
3. Vita always f___________stray days.
4. Vita is fond of B_____________.
5. In the f_____________she wants to be a doctor.

Monday,the eighteenth of May.
                         Voluntary Work (Волонтерська робота) 
1Read and translate the text:
Many students do voluntary work these days to help others, to improve their skills and gain a better
understanding of the world, and to find out what kind of job they would like to do in the future. In the USA, for example, about 50.3% of teenage boys and 56.2% of teenage girls regularly volunteer. We interviewed three teens around the world to find out about their volunteering experiences.
I’m from Changsha, a city of seven million people in central China. I want to be a teacher when I’m older, so last summer I volunteered to spend two weeks in a small village in my province helping children at a primary school read and write. In my country, there are still about 54 million illiterate people, so this was a wonderful opportunity to help them. I stayed in the local schoolhouse and taught the children literacy skills four days a week. In my free time I enjoyed visiting the local markets and the children’s families. Life in the countryside is so different from the city and it was a challenge at times, but it was an good experience and I made some great friends.
Bahía Magdalena is a region in Mexico. It’s on the Pacific coast and it’s very beautiful. A lot of sea turtles live there. The turtles are legally protected but they need our help. I volunteered for a week with an organisation that helps protect turtles. July and February is when turtles lay their eggs in their nesting sites. Humans and other animals can damage the eggs, so we collected the eggs and protected them until they were ready to hatch. Then, we returned the eggs to their nests and helped the tiny baby turtles get into the sea. I loved working with these beautiful creatures. Now I definitely want to have a career in conservation in the future.
My mum told me about the Volunteer Project which helps disadvantaged children here in Cape Town, South Africa. So for the first month of my summer holidays I did some voluntary work for the charity and assisted in constructing and repairing school buildings and playgrounds for a local community. Our team helped create a more comfortable environment for these children and, although hard work, it was a very rewarding and enriching experience. Before this opportunity I didn’t know what I wanted to do in the future, but now I’m certain I want to work outdoors and get my hands dirty helping others.                           
2. Write Jiao, Eduardoor Taki.(Скажіть хто це робив):
1  Who found their voluntary experience difficult at times?
2  Who did physical work for their volunteering?
3  Who slept in local accommodation on their experience?
4  Who helped animals on their experience?
5  Who didn’t know what to do for their career before?
6  Who spent the shortest amount of time doing voluntary work? 
3. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?
1  More than half of American teenagers frequently do voluntary work.                      
2  Everyone in Jiao’s province of China is unable to read and write.                            
3  Jiao volunteers to help out at a school in her city.                                                     
4  Eduardo’s voluntary experience confirms what he wants to do when he’s older.     
5  The organisation that Eduardo worked for protects turtles’ nesting sites.               
6  Taki’s experience allows him to give something back to his local community.       
Homework:Would you like to do voluntary work? What kind of work would you like to do? (Чи хотів би ти займатися волонтеством? Чим би ти хотів займатися? До 10 речень)

Friday,the fifteenth of May.
American Schools.
1.Topical Vocabulary
-1 to pay little attention to smth. - 
-2 a uniform school system
-3 a uniform curriculum
-4 a common feature
-5 a state school
-6 a public school
-7 a private school
-8 free
-9 fee-paying
-10 a grade
-11  ementary school
-12 to teach a subject
- 13 elementary education
-14 secondary education
-15 junior high school
-16 to leave school
-17 to continue one’s education at smth.
-18 the upper grades of high school
-19  to give general education
-20 to enter a college or a university

-21 classes
-22 to teach basic computer skills

1 приділяти мало уваги
2 єдина система шкіл
3 однакова програма
4 загальна особливість
5 державна школа
6 державна школа
7 приватна школа
8 безкоштовний
9 платний
10 клас
11 початкова школа
12 викладати предмет
13 початкова освіта
14 середня освіта
15 середні класи
16 закінчити школу
17 продовжити освіту в
18 старші класи
19 давати загальну освіту
20 поступити в коледж або університет
21 заняття
22 навчати роботі на компютері

2. Read and transtate the text:
The federal government pays little attention to school education in the USA. There is neither a uniform school system in the USA, nor a uniform curriculum. Each state has its own system of schools. But there are some common features in the organization of school education in the country.
Schools in the USA can be divided into state, or public schools, and private schools. State schools are free, and private schools are fee-paying.
Elementary and secondary schools consist of twelve grades. Classes meet for about ten months a year, five days a week and five hours a day. At elementary school English, mathematics, science, social studies, music sports and other subjects are taught.
Elementary education begins at the age of six, when a child goes to the first grade. Secondary education is offered at high schools. At the age of 14 pupils go to junior high school. At the age of sixteen children leave junior high school and may continue their education at the upper grades of high school.
Besides giving general education some high schools teach some other subjects. Students choose these subjects if they want to enter colleges or universities or hope to find jobs in industry or agriculture. Many schools include classes teaching basic computer skills.
Homework: Answer the questions:
1. How can you characterize the organization of school education in the United States of America?
2. What groups can schools in the United States of America be divided into?
3. What subjects are taught at elementary school?
4. At what age do children study at a high school?
5. What kind of education do high schools give?

Wednesday,the thirteenth of May.
British Schools.
1. Watch the video and answer the questions(письмово):
1) What is a school run?
2) When does school start in the UK?
3) Do schoolchildren wear school uniforms?
4) Where do children keep their things?
5) How is the Head Teacher called?
6) What do children do at the cookery lesson?
7) What do children do during the break?
8) Do the teachers relax during the break?
2. Schools in England.(Прочитати і перекласти)

Schools in England are not the same as in our country. Children begin to go to school when they are five years old. From five to seven they are in infant schools. An infant school is like a kindergarten. The children draw and paint, they sing and listen to stories which the teacher reads to them. They also play games. In these schools they begin to learn to read and write.

From eleven to sixteen boys and girls in England go to a secondary school. They begin to learn in form one. The sixth form is the last form in this school. They have many subjects in their time-table.

In England schoolchildren do not go to schools on Saturdays and Sundays.

Homework:speak about schools in Britain(розповідь)

Friday,the eighth of May.
1. Watch the video and answer the questions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb9C0poeDq0
1)Is Chika a good pupil?
2) Does he like to do homework?
3) Why didn't Chika show his homework to the teacher?
4) Who was Chika's favourite teacher?
5) What did the teacher tell the pupils to do?
6) Did Chiko di do his homework that day?
7) What was the teacher's proposition that day?
8) What was Chika's favourite thing to do?
9) Who could go to the garden?
10) Did Chikawork in the garden?
11) Did he do his homework himself that evening?
12) Does he do his homework every day now?
13) Do you like to do your homework?
2. What is your timetable. Do you like all the subjects? What do you like to change?(Що б ти хотів змінити?)
Homework: write your own timetable.

Wednesday, the sixth of May.
My favourite subject.
1.     Say on what lesson we need these things:
-         A globe ( Geography)
-         A pencils ( Art)
-         A guitar ( Music)
-         A dictionary ( English)
-         A ball ( P. E.)
-         A triangle ( Math)
-         A microscope ( Biology)
-         A flower ( Handicraft)
-         A flag of Ukraine ( History Ukraine)

My favourite subject
My name is John, I am a pupil of the 7th form. We learn a lot of different subjects  at school. They are: Mathematics, Biology, Literature, English, History, Geography and many others. I know that all subjects are important and I must study them attentively but there are some subjects I don’t like. It is difficult for me to study Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics because I don’t always understand them. But I like such subjects as History, Literature and English very much because I like to read books, speak foreign languages and write composition on different topics. English is my favourite subject. I like to read stories and news in English and try to translate them, do a lot of grammar exercises and watch English movies. When I finish school I will go the university and will become a teacher of English. I need to pass my exams with high marks that is why I must know English very well and do my best at school.
3. Now answer the questions on the text.
1.  What subjects does John study at school?
2.  What are his favourite subjects? Why?
3.  What subjects John doesn’t like?
4.  Why it is difficult for John to study Chemistry and Mathematics?
5.  What books does he like to read?
6.  Where John will go after school?
7.  Does he want to be a teacher or a professor?

8.  Why does John must know English well?
Homework: My favourite subject(письмово 8-10 речень).

Monday, the fourth of  May.
Grammar Lesson.
1. Is(am,are) going to do smth. - збиратися щось робити.
Ex.2,p.176 (Скажи, що Стів збирається і чого не збирається робити за зразком).
2.  Remember Past Simple and Past Perfect tences.(записуєте лише вставлені слова)
Fill in past simple or past perfect simple.
1. After they  (see) the Tower, they  (go) to Westminster Abbey.
2. He  (ask) me which animals I  (see) in Africa.
3. After Columbus  (discover) America, he  (return) to Spain.
4. Before they  (move) to Liverpool, they  (sell) everything.
5. After he  (work) very hard, he  (fall) ill.
6. She  (open) the box after she  (find) the key.
7. They  (go) to a restaurant after they  (sail).
8. Before they  (start) the party, they  (invite) some friends.
9. After she  (wash) the curtains, she  (clean) the windows.
10. They  (go) for a sightseeing tour after the bus  (arrive).
Homework: Choose the right variant (записуєте лише вставлені слова) :

1. It was ....................... a hot day.

2. You are ....................... kind.
3. I have ...................... a lot of problems that I am losing hope.
so much
4. Never have I seen ........................ beautiful woman.
so a
such a
5. I have never seen ........................... food.
so much
so many
such much
6. Never have I seen .............................. dirty kitchen.
such a
so a
7. I have never seen ........................... a good person.
so much
8. They are ........................... idiots.
such an
9. He has got ...................... strange manners.
such a
10. He is ..................... patient with his students.
such a
11. Why do you talk ........................ loudly?
12. We have got ............................. much to do, and ................. little time.
so, so
so, such
such, so
such, such

Wednesday, the twenty nineth of April.
1. Why do we study English? Watch the videos and make a list of reasons of studying the language.(Проглянь відео і склади список причин вивчення англійської мови)
Homework: Ex.3,p.176.

Monday, the twenty seventh of April.
English Language.
1. Why do we study English? Ex.6,p.174(словосполучення, наприклад:to read English books, to sing  English songs,...)
2. Reading Ex.4,p.173(кодуєте)
3. Read Ex.7,p.175 and  introduce your idea. (вислови свою думку)
Homework: Ex.8,p.175.

Friday, the twenty fourth of April.
Learning English.
1. Match each proverb to its translation. (Кодуєте)
1. Live and learn
a) Щодо мене, то я знаю тільки те, що я нічого не знаю
2. Train hard fight easy
b) Ученому – світ, а невченому - тьма
3. Learning is the eye of the mind
c) Вік  живи – вік навчайся
4. As for me, all I know is that I know nothing
d) Важко у навчанні, легко у бою

2. Learn new words:
 -      travel abroad  
-      study abroad  
-      live and work abroad  
-      make friends from…
-      earn  money;
-      read about new gadgets[‘gædʒɪt] and operate them;
-      communicate with people from other countries;
-      improve the memory;
-      listen to English songs;  
-      watch new films;
-      play computer games.

3. Why do you study English?
I  study English because I want to …..  be better educated
                                                                  travel abroad
                                                             get a lot of money
                                                          be famous
                                                      be able to talk to English-speaking people
(допишіть свої аргументи)
4. Read the text and be ready to speak about it.
English is a global language of travel, business, pop culture, sport and science.
Over one billion people speak English. Today, in fact, over 300 million people are learning English. That's more than the population of the USA.
Now English is spoken practically all over the world, it has become the world's most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. It is spoken as a mother tongue in Great Britain, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Besides, a lot of people speak English in Japan, India, China, Africa and many other countries. English is one of the official languages of the United Nation Organisation. Half of the world's scientific literature is in English. It is the language of computer technology.
To my mind English is worth studying. There is a proverb: "A new language is a new world". "Knowledge is a power", one great man said. Speaking a foreign language one can not only read the papers, magazines and original books , but as well watch satellite programs, travel easily to different parts of the world. Besides, understanding and speaking a foreign language became necessary if you want to have a good and well-paid job.
Now I know that it is a must for XXI century professional no matter what job to choose.  So without doubt you can't do without learning this beautiful language.

Homework: Do you need to study English? (Відповідь на 6-8 речень)

Wednesday, the twenty second of April.

1. Vocabulary practice
an event - подія
a member - член , учасник
to dream - мріяти
to practice - практикувати
to try out - випробовувати
handy - зручний
to be keen on - бути хорошим (успішним) у чомусь
to get together - збиратися разом
to hang around (with) - зависати з кимось (проводити багато часу)
to join in - вступати, приєднуватись (наприклад в гурток)

2.Complete the sentences.(Вставте дані слова. Записуєте лише слова)
1. I decided ... to the school rock band.
2. I’m going to ... the new car ... .
3. This ... booklet tells you everything you need to know about the place where you going.
4. I didn’t... her much anyway.
5. He is ... of the local tennis club.
6. I think we must... again and sing this song at last!
7. It was the major sporting ... of the year.
8. To improve my English I try ... speaking slowly and clearly.
9. I’m not too ... Physics.

10. My friends ... of becoming programmers.

3. Reading. Read a short story and and do the task.

My friend Sam is a very busy person. When he isn’t doing his homework or studying he is out having quite a lot of activities.
On Mondays he goes swimming after school. He practices a lot because he is in the school team. Then on Wednesdays he goes to computer club. On Thursdays he plays chess and then on Fridays he meets his friends in the city centre.
At the weekend Sam always spends time with his family. He usually goes fishing with his dad and helps his mum with the shopping.
Answer the questions.                                                  
1. Is Sam very busy?
2. What team is he in?
3. What does he do on Wednesdays?
4. When does he meet his friends?
5. What board game does Sam like playing?
6. Who does Sam spend time with at the weekend?

7. What does he help his mother do?
Homework: write about a club  you would like to join in and why.(Напиши в який гурток ти б хотів вступити і чому.)
e.g. I can join in ... club.
I can take part in ...
I like it because ...

Friday, the seventeenth of April.
Social Activity
1. Learn new words: Ex.1b)p.169 (вивчіть слова в табличці)
2. Read the text Ex.4,p.170.
Homework: Ex.5,p.171(кодуєте)

Wednesday, the fifteenth of April.
Leasure Time Activities
1.Review the names of hobbies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FLRGat2Z6I
2. Name the pictures Ex.1,p.166.
3. Reading. Ex.3,p.166.
4. Complete the sentences Ex.4,p.167.
Ex.5,p.167(in writing)

Homework: write about your hobby.

Monday, the twelfth of April.
 Extracurricular activities 

1. What school do you go to?
What form are you in?
How many lessons do you have every day?
Do you attend any school clubs? What one?  What do you do there?

2.Review the names of school clubs( Ex.1,p.162)- повторіть назви гуртків
3.Complete the sentences below with the best answer.
Kellie decided to join ________________ club because she has always been fascinated with old money.
a) Knitting
b) Coin-collecting
c) Dancing
After my dad bought a computer, I developed an interest in _______________.
a) playing  the piano
b) windsurfing
c) surfing the Internet
Since he loves working with his hands and wood, __________ was the ideal hobby for him.
a) photography
b) woodworking
c) pottery
Nick is fond of _____________, that’s why he goes to the Art club twice a week.
a) drawing
b) acting
c) music
3.Read the advertisements (реклами) of the clubs Ex.3,p.163.
4. Do Ex.4,p.164.
Homework: Make the advertisement of the club.( зробіть рекламу гуртка за зразком впр.3, с.163)

Friday, the tenth of April.
School Life.

1.Vocabulary work .Натисни тут       Ще раз
2.  Watch the video and give short answers to the questions 
1) How do Maison go to school?          e.g. on foot   (зразок відповіді)
2) Who maintain order in the hall?
3) What is Maison's first clas?
4) Why was Kate absent for three days?
5) Why was Mason absent?
6) Where do Maison go during  the lesson? 
7) What is the next lesson?
8) What is the third lesson?
9) What is Pluto made of?
10) What do the children do after lunch?
11) What is the last lesson?

3. Extracurricular activities (позакласна діяльність)

4. New vocabulary, Ex.1, p.162 (by heart)

Homework: read Ex.1 and speak about your favourite activity (скажи про своє улюблене заняття)

Wednesday, the eighth of April.
London. Kyiv. 
Test "The Sights of the Capitas".
Part I
1. What's London's most famous department store?
a)  Picadilly
b) Harrods
c)The Barbican Centre
2. What are the famous guards of The Tower of London called?
 a) Beefeaters
  b) The Guards
 c) Knights
3. What commemorates Napoleon's defeat at sea in 1805?
 a)  Oliver's Colum
   b) Duke of York's Column
  c) Nelson's Column
4. Where's the home of the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer?
a) Downing Street 10 and 11
b) Regent Street10 and 11
c) Browning Street 10 and 11 
5. Which  river runs through London?
a) the Thames
b) the Severn
c) the Seine
6. Which is the oldest part of London?
a) Westminster
b) the City
c) The West End
7. Where are the British kings and queens crowned?
a) St. Paul’s Cathedral
b) Westminster Abbey
c) the House of Lords
8. What is a “double-decker”?
a) a bus
b) a lorry
c) a ship
9. Where can you make a speech in Hyde Park?
a) Poet’s Corner
b) Speaker’s Corner
c) Revolutionary Corner 
10. What did Madame Tussaud start in 1835?
a) a famous bakery
b) famous waxworks
c) a famous needle-point 
Part II
Read and mach the parts of the sentences.
1. Podil                                          
A   is the symbol of Kyiv, the capital of  Ukraine
2. St. Sophia’s Cathedral 
B   is located in the valley near the Dnipro River
3. Khreshchatyk street 
C   has been created  as a centre of Kyiv Metripolis
4. Kyiv in  Miniature Museum          
D   is the main square  in Kyiv
5. Maidan Nezalezhnosti 
E   has all copies of Kyiv’s most famous landmarks

 Read and choose the correct item to complete the sentences.
6.  Many of the Kyiv’s   landmarks  are included into …
     a) the UNESCO World Heritage List        b) the Kyiv Miniature Museum
 7. Rebuilt after the fire Podil became … beautiful than before.
      a) more         b) most      c) the most
8. Chestnut trees are in blossom in Kyiv in … .
      a) in summer     b) in spring     c) in autumn
9.  We were  …  that we didn’t have time to visit  the Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra.
       a) hard              b) happy      c) busy
10. The Ukrainian architect … the Fountain Samson.
       a) designed       b) drew        c) build

Monday, the sixth of April.
Grammar lesson.
1. Remember Past Simple and Past Perfect tences.

Exercise 1
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Perfect).

  1. My friend (eat)  up all the biscuit we (bake) .
  2. The teacher (correct)  the tests we (write) .
  3. (give)  them some of the candies I (buy) .
  4. My sister (see / not)  the note that I (lay)  on the kitchen table for her.
  5. We (want)  to watch a film that we (see / not)  before.

Exercise 2

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or past perfect simple).

  1. When he (wake up) , his mother (already / prepare)  breakfast.
  2. When she (start) to learn English, she (already / learn)  French.
  3. Jane (already / type)  ten pages when her computer (crash) .
  4. Before that day we (never / think)  of going to Japan.
  5. (know)  him for a long time before I (meet)  his family.
  6. They (not / know)  where to meet because nobody (tell)  them.
3. Do this exercise:
https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/question-tags-exercise-1.html (перевір себе, нажми check)
Homework: Ex.1,p.156( in writing)

Friday, the third of April.
1. Review the words. Натисни тут
2. Read the text and translate it 
Kyiv is the capital of our country. It is the largest city in Ukraine. More than three million people live there. Kyiv was founded more than 1500 years ago. It is the political, economic, industrial and cultural centre of our country.
There are many factories in Kyiv. They make different products. In Kyiv there are many museums, monuments, theatres, cinemas, libraries and palaces. Thousands of students study at Kyiv-Mohila academy, at Kyiv University, many institutes and colleges. Kyiv is a large transport centre. Kyiv metro is very beautiful.
Kyiv is situated on the banks of the river Dnieper. The city is very green. It is one of the most beautiful cities of Ukraine. Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada, president and government are located in Kyiv. We are proud that our capital is one of the best and oldest cities in the world.
Khreschatyk is the main street in Kyiv. It is not very long, but it is wide and straight. You can see many cars and trolley buses on Khreschatyk. There are many big green trees in it. A lot of people go to Khreschatyk every day. Some of them go shopping because there are many good shops and big market there. Other people go to the cinema, look at the fountains or sit on the benches. In the evening many people walk in Khreschatyk. There you can see many bright lights. People like the main street of Kyiv because it is nice and green.
3. Say if the sentences are true or false:

1) Kyiv is the largest town of Ukraine.
2) Kyiv was founed two thousand years ago.
3) There are many students in Kyiv.
4) It is a large transport centre.
5) Kyiv factories produce many things.
6) The city is situated on a bank of the Dnipro river.
7) Khreshchatyk is the main square in Kyiv.
8) It is short and crowded.
9) People go to Khreshchatyk to entertain themselves.
10) People are proud of their city.

5. Let's play.Натисни тут.
Homework:Speak about Kyiv. 

 Wednesday, the first of April.
Maidan Nezalezhnosty
1. Watch the video about the sights in Kyiv. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiV0aR48z98
Name all the sights and write them down in your copy-books( випишіть в зошит всі визначні місця Києва з відео) ЗАПИСУЙТЕ ДАТУ В ЗОШИТАХ!
2. Read Ex.2,p.153 (підібрані заголовки запишіть в зошити)
3. Do Ex.4a) (в зошиті кодуєте)
Homework: Ex.4b),p.155(вставити пропущені слова з тексту) - in writing

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