9 клас

Любі діти! Ось і закінчився навчальний рік. Щоб не забути за літо все те, що ви вивчили протягом року постійно переглядайте вивчений матеріал, говоріть, співайте, читайте, пишіть англійською мовою. Гарного відпочинку влітку!

Wednesday,the twenty seventh of May.
Revision Lesson.

Monday,the twenty fifth of May.

Writing Test (Контрольна робота з письма)
I.                  Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences: (Записуєте лише вибране слово)
1.     Mr Richards, ____ is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.
A. who
B. which
C. whom
D. whose
2.     Thank you very much for your e-mail __ was very interesting.
A. who
B. which
C. whom
D. whose
3.     The children, ___ shouted in the street, are not from our school.
A. who
B. which
C. whom
D. whose
4.     The car, ____ driver is a young man, is from Ireland.
A. who
B. which
C. whom
D. whose
5.     What did you do with the money  ___ your mother lent you?
A. who
B. which
C. whom
D. whose
6.     This is the man ____ saved the kid.
A. who
B. which
C. whom
D. whose

II.               Choose the correct option: (Записуєте лише вибрані дієслова)

1.     If you send /sends/ will send this letter now, she will receive/ receive/ receives it tomorrow.
2.     Peggy go/ goes /will go shopping if she have/ has/ will have time in the afternoon.
3.     If her boyfriend  won`t phone/ doesn`t phone/ don`t phone today, she leave/ leaves/ will leave him.
4.     If they won`t study/ doesn`t study/ don`t study harder, they won`t pass/ don`t pass/ doesn`t pass the exam.
5.     If my friends will come/ comes/ come, I  will be/ be/ am very happy.
6.     If she will earn/ earn/ earns a lot of money, she will fly/ flies/ fly to New York.

III.           Rewrite sentences into Passive Voice: (Запишіть речення в пасивному стані)
1.     Mother waters the flowers.
2.     The dog bit the old lady.
3.     Oliver taught the children.
4.     She does the housework.
5.     Tom and Max ate five hamburgers.
6.     I take photos.

IV.           Write a few sentences about yourself. (Your name, your family, your hobbies, your future profession etc.) ( Напишіть про себе)

Friday, the twenty second of May.
Listening Test
Записуєте дату і заголовок з блогу, слухаєте текст і виконуєте завдання.

Wednesday,the twentieth of May.
Reading Test.
Famous Places of the Country: Alton Towers — Where the Magic Never Ends!
The Alton Towers Hotel is one of the most well-known hotel in England. It is set in the heart of Stafford - shire's scenic countryside in the North-West of England. It is only minutes away from Britain's most magical theme park, Alton Towers. Like the park, the hotel offers guests the chance to experience a delightful holiday full of fun and surprises.
The first thing you'll notice when you enter the hotel is the extraordinary reception desk, which is made of piles of antique luggage and a flying machine which stretches up to the ceiling! The hotel also includes an amazing range of themed rooms such as ' Peter Rabbit Bedrooms, the Garden Rooms, the Explorer Roc the Coca-Cola Fizzy Factory Room, and the Arabian Nights Suite which is possibly the most romantic hotel suite in the world. All the bedrooms have a bathroom, tea- and coffee-making facilities, satellite TV and a baby-listening facility.
You'll feel great here at any weather! After a thrilling day at park, you can relax in the pool at the Pirate's Lagoon. Kids can join Pirate Bill's Club, which is a great opportunity to make new friends while taking part in games, drawing and face-painting. The Secret Garden Restaurant offers delicious dishes from around the world, while the hotel's two bars, the Dragon Bar and the captain's Bar, are both ideal places to relax with a coffee or a cocktail in the evening. The Alton Towers Hotel is the ideal place for a fun family holiday at any time of year, but the theme park is only open from Mid-March to the end of October. It is the land where the magic never ends.

І.Choose the correct item.
1. A guest is someone who.....
a) works at a hotel   b) is a manager of a hotel        c) is staying at a hotel
2. A baby-listening facility........
a) helps you listen to your baby while it is sleeping in another room
b) looks after your baby while you are swimming
c) feeds your baby while you are dancing
3. Antique luggage is..........
a) fashionable           b) very old                 c) very cheap
4. A thrilling day is..........
a) a boring day            b) a hard day             c) an exciting day
5. Delicious dishes are........
a) very spicy dishes                b) very tasty dishes                c) full of fats

ІІ.Answer the questions:
1.     What does the Alton Towers Hotel offer?
2.     What extraordinary things can you see in the hotel?
3.     Where can you relax there?
4.     Can you taste delicious food there? Where?
5.     When is the theme park open?
6.     Who likes to spend holidays at the Alton Towers Hotel?


Monday, the eighteenth of May.
The role of mass media in my life.
1. Vocabulary  review. Натисни тут.
2. Watch the video and be ready to write an essay about it.
Homework: write an essay "Mass media in my life"

Friday, the fifteenth of May.
Profession of a Journalist.
2. Reading ex.2,p.263(Кодуєте)
Homework: Ex.5,p.264(з кожним утвореним cловосполученням будуєте речення)

Wednesday,the thirteenth of May.
English Speaking Countries.
Watch the videolesson and do the tasks.( Подивіться відеоурок і зробіть конспект, граматичну вправу записати в зошит).

Friday, the eighth of May.
The News.
1. Read the questions of ex.3,p.264. Write a topic based on them.(Напишіть повідомлення про роль новин в житті людей, відповідаючи на запитання вправи).
Homework: Ex.7,p.262(Напишіть СМС другу, скорочуючи повідомлення)

Wednesday, the sixth of May.
Official Letter.
1. The structure of an offiial letter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kxA5p1R3ec
2 Homework: Write an offiial letter.

Monday, the fourth of May.
British Press.
1. Match the words from the text with their Ukrainian equivalents.
  1) send           
a) брати інтерв’ю
  2) get information
b) за допомогою телефону
  3) message
c) секретар
  4) through the phone
d) доправляти
  5) reader
e) репортер
  6) correspondent
f) читач
  7) editor
g) посилати
  8)  send out
h) редактор
  9) interview
i) отримувати інформацію
10) reporter
j) кореспондент
11) on time
k) вчасно
12) type
l) набирач ( верстальник)
13) secretary
m) друкувати на клавіатурі
14) compositor
n) повідомлення
15) print
o) засоби зв’язку
16) deliver
р) друкувати
17) means of communication
q) висилати
2.Read the text of ex.4,p.250.
3.Classify the newspapers :

The Sun, The Daily Mirror, The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Independent, The Daily Express, The Oxford Times, London Wedding, Elle, the Observer, the Evening Standard.

4. Reading the article “Magazines”.

  There are thousands of weekly and monthly magazines in Britain. They can be divided into three main categories: specialist magazines, such as the computer magazine PC Weekly; general magazines, such as the TV listings magazine Radio Times; women`s magazines.
  Young people below the age of 18 do not buy newspapers, but they buy magazines. There are quite a lot of magazines, which are favourite ones of 15-year-olds, among them Smash Hits, a music magazine which both boys and girls buy, Shout, which is popular with young teenage girls, TV HITS, where you can read about stars, film stars and pop stars. Many more girls than boys buy magazines. Their main interests seem to be boys, pop music, clothes and make-up. Teenage girls like reading magazines which are aimed at an older the group. Just Seventeen, a popular magazine for girls, is not only the most popular one for 15-year-olds, it is also very popular with 12-year-olds.As for boys…So, some boys complain that there is nothing for them to read if they don`t like football magazines and computer games magazines.

5. Find out if the statements are true or false.
1 1.     There are 100 weekly and monthly magazines in Britain.
2 2.     They can be divided into three main categories.
3 3.     Three main categories of magazines are: specialist magazines, general magazines    and children`s magazines.
4 4.    Among favourite magazines of 15-year-olds are Smash Hits, Shout and TV HITS.
5 5.    Many more boys than girls buy magazines.
6 6.     The girls like to read about basketball and football most of all.
7 7.    Just Seventeen, a popular magazine for girls, is popular one for 15-year-olds and very popular with 10-year-olds.
8 8.   Some boys complain that there is nothing for them to read.
 Homework: topic British Press.

Wednesday, the twenty nineth of April.
Advanttages and Disadvantages of Mass Media.
1. Watch the videos and analyse them. 
2. Do Ex.3,p.250.
3. Do Ex.3,p.242.
Homework:Ex.4,p.242(скласти словосполучення і речення).

Monday, the twenty seventh of April.
2. Read the text Ex.4,p.247 and fill in the gaps.(... і вставте пропуски, записуєте лише їх)
3. Ex.5,p.247 (записуєте лише слова, які вибрали)
Homework: topic " The role of TV in my life" based on Ex.6,p.248.

Friday, the twenty fourth of April.
Mass Media
1. Vocabulary practice, ex.2,p.236.
2. Do ex.5,p.243 (in writing).
3. Read the text ex.2,p.241 and do the quiz after it.
Homework:Ex.4,5,p.238(in writing).

Friday, the seventeenth of April.
Do the test on page 235.(Відповіді кодуєте, в ІІ завданні пишете лише прийменники, які вставляєте)

Wednesday, the fiteenth of April.
People and Their Characters.
1. Matching.( кодуєте)

1)      A friend in need is a friend indeed
2)      Actions speak louder than words
3)      All is not gold that glitters
4)      Books and friends should be few but good
5)      Extremes meet
6)      Old friends and old wine are best.
7)       A man is known by the company he keeps
a)     Протилежності сходяться
b)    Товариш пізнається в біді
c)     Старий друг краще двох нових
d)    Не по словах судять, а по ділах
e)     Скажи мені хто твій друг, і я скажу тобі, хто ти
f)      Не все золото, що блищить
g)     Істинні друзі, як і мудрі книги—рідкість

2. Reading. Ex.6,p.230 кодуєте)
3. Grammar. Prepositions,p.276. Do Ex.2,p.233 ( записуйте лише прийменники)

Monday, the thirteenth of April.
The Youth Subcultures. 
1. Match proverbs and sayings.
1.Action speak                                                     a)than done
2.Treat others as you want                                    b)kindness
3.Don’t forget to do good and                               c)second nature
4.Kindness gives birth to                                      d)sweet
5.Evil comes                                                         e)louder than words
6.Every family has                                                f)to be treated
7.Fordidden fruit is                                               g)share what you have
8.Good can never                                                 h)a black sheep
9.Easier said                                                         i)grow out of evil
10.Habit is a                                                         j)from evil

Read the proverbs and write down any five you like.
2. Subculture is the behavior, beliefs and customs of a particular group of people within a society. Often subculture is a group whose behavior is disapproved by most people and whose interests are different from those of the mainstream culture.
Here are some representatives of different subcultures. Listen to their stories and be ready to do some tasks.
Hi, my name is John. I’m the raver. This subculture appeared in seventies and in eighties, raves became popular in Britain. These were illegal, all-night parties in fields or empty buildings. In early 90s, raves moved to London nightclubs. The first big club was called The Ministry of Sound, an empty building with bad toilets but a fantastic sound system. They wear bright clothes, decorate their bodies with rings and listen to the euphoric music.

My name is Vicky. I’m a hippie. My parents are hippies too. We like to be in a group and to go to the disco. Hippie appeared in 60s – 70s.We prefer rock’n’roll, especially Beatles. We usually wear bright and loose clothes, long hair. We like to wear different weaved of beads things. We want to change the world to the best. Yoga and meditation bring us this inner peace and help us to act in balance with our surroundings. Our dream is to live in harmony with each other and our planet. Our subculture is dying because many people use drugs.

My name is Randy. I’m Goths. I have many friends. Sometimes we get together and talk about the end of the world. We wear black with a lot of silver jewellery and have black hair. In our subculture music plays a great role. It affects the emotions. Goths are not more criminally included than other groups. But I’ve seen some kinds of crimes such as underage drinking, drug using, spray painting.
3. Answer the questions: 
1. Who likes weaved things?
2. What subculture do Beatles popular among?
3. What representatives dance all-night?
4. What subculture is dying because of using many drugs?
5. Whose clothes have got a lot of silver jewellery?
6. Who likes to gather together and speak about the end of the the world?
Homework: Ex.5,p.230(in writing)

Friday, the tenth of April.
Leisure Time Activity

2. How to speak about your free time ctivity.

3. Listening. Listen to young people's favourite activities

4. Tell about your free time activities.

Homework:Ex.5,p.226 (відповіді письмово в зошиті)

Wednesday, the eighth of April.
Teenagers's every day life.

1. Read the text Ex.3,p.222. Pay attention to phrasal verbs (дієслово + прийменик = утворює нове значення, іноді відрізняється від самого дієслова).  
2.True/false task after the text.
3. Do Ex.4,p.224 (виписати в зошит)
Homework: Ex.6,p.224(in writing)

Monday, the sixth of April.
Teenagers's Problems.

1.Read the article and do the true|false task. Ex.2,3,p.220.
2.Listen to a teen-girl and make a list of points you should pay attention to.(in writing)
3. Homework: do this test and write down the result in your copy-book. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYI7zrv8M78

Friday, the third of April.
Teenagers's World
1.Do the matching:
Match the adjectives to the reasons:
         1.honest                          a) never stop talking
2.jealous                          b)not say a lot
            3.talkative                       c)feel angry about not
                                                        having what others have
        4.shy                                d)talk to everybody
            5.mean                             e)never betray friends
                      6.loyal                              f) able to think of new ideas
7.imaginative                   j)never tell lies
                 8.sociable                         h)hate spending money  

2.Read the text and fill in the gaps in it:

politics, part-time, problems, spots, boring, money, chore, appearance, guy, drugs, grades
I am a teenager so my life isn’t easy. I have many (1)_______. My parents want me to get good (2)_______ at school. But I have so many subjects at school and some of them are extremely (3)_______. I have to do much homework and to read many foolish books, while some teachers don’t understand that their subjects are not the most important things in my life. Some of my friends worry a lot about their (4)_______ and their teenage (5)_______ which spoil our lives! I must confess that (6)_______, alcohol and AIDS don’t really bother me or my friends. The same I should say about (7)__________. What we really care about is how to impress a cute (8)_______ or an attractive girl. Of course I, like many other teenagers, have problems with (9)_______. Some of my friends found a (10)_______ job in order to have an opportunity to earn some money. But despite all these problems, the life of a teenager today isn’t a (11)_______, it is still fun. 
3. Read the texts and choose the titles:
1. Teenagers’ Interests
                2. Do Teenagers Have Problems?
             3. Typical American Teenagers.
         4. Are Teenagers a Problem?
5. What is a Teenager?
A. Officially, a teenager is anyone aged from 13 to 19 inclusively, but most people would probably think first of the younger age group and exclude 18 and 19-year-olds. After all, once you reach 18 you can vote, get married without your parents’ permission, and join the army. On the other hand, children are growing up and developing more quickly, and these days 11 and 12-year-olds would like to include themselves in the ‘teenager’ group.
B. According to ‘the older generation’, teenagers are lazy, they wear ridiculous clothes, and are appallingly rude to their betters and elders; they find it impossible to be polite, helpful, constructive, caring or hard-working. What’s more, they spend all their time listening to awful music and watching unsuitable films.
C. Teenagers are human so, of course, they have problems. It is a difficult time for them because it is a period of transformation. It isn’t quite as bad as a chrysalis changing into a butterfly, but it may seem like that. It isn’t easy to grow up, and the dramatic physical and emotional changes are often confusing and worrying.
D. Typical American teenagers are in fact very ordinary. They think their teachers make them work too hard; they love their parents, but are sure they don’t understand anything; and their friendships are the most important things in their lives. Some of them do have a lot of money to spend, but usually they have earned it themselves. 
Homework: learn the poem
I can climb the highest mountain,
Sail across the wildest sea,
Now that I’ve discovered
That I’m happy to be me.
I can study mathematics,
Be a man of high degree,
Now I’ve solved the puzzle
That I’m happy to be me.
I can make the finest music,
Write a book of poetry,
Now I’ve learned the lesson
That I’m happy to be me.
I can do the things
I dreamed of,
Live a life that’s great and free,
How I’ve found the secret
That I’m happy to be me.

                    John Edwards
PS: Всі письмові роботи виконуєте в зошитах з датою!!!

Wednesday, the first of April.
My Friend's Hobby.
1. Read and translate the text "What is hobby?" (Ex.3,p.210 )
2. Write about your friend's hobby (за зразком попереднього уроку)
3. Grammar ''Gerund and Infinitive" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf5VMNJZIJI       and         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqhlELDdCRg )
Homework: Ex.7,p.209( in writing)
(Всі письмові завдання пишіть в зошиті з датою!)

  My Hobby. 

1.Vocabulary practice (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqVNRmpdPMA розмова про хобі, лексика) 
2. Speak about your hobby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoyhPZDp3dE як скласти свій топік)
3. Do the task (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzNVi90wWKc&t=324ss завдання записуйте в зошит)
Hometask: My hobby(за зразком  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68f2pkMVBlE  Сooking ,    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sbx8mw2eCBc&t=11s  Walking   але пишете про своє)

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