8 клас

Любі діти! Ось і закінчився навчальний рік. Щоб не забути за літо все те, що ви вивчили протягом року постійно переглядайте вивчений матеріал, говоріть, співайте, читайте, пишіть англійською мовою. Гарного відпочинку влітку!

Wednesday, the twenty seventh of May.
Revision Lesson.

Tuesday, the twenty sixth of May.
Revision Lesson.
Watch the video and speak about Ukraine.

Friday, the twenty second of May.
Writing Test
1.     Match the words (з'єднайте, кодуєте):
1. to print   magazines                          a) гарантувати  демократичні права
2. to subscribe to newspapers               b) мода тінейджерів
3. a usual  headline                               с) запросити журналіста
4. interesting periodicals                      d) дати пораду
5. an article about private life               e) збільшити кількість статей
6. to increase the number of articles    f) українське суспільство
7. to guarantee the  democratic rights  g) звертатися до читачів
8. to invite a journalist                         h) звичайний заголовок
9. Ukrainian society                             i) виписувати газети
10. to give an advice                            j) стаття про особисте життя
11. a teenagers fashion                       k) публікувати журнали
12. to  appeal to readers                      l) цікаві періодичні видання

2.     Choose the proper word (вставте потрібне слово, кодуєте):
1.     You can read a newspaper in the … when you don’t want to buy  it.
a)    Internet          b) market                c) school
2.     Our state guarantees the … independence of periodicals.
a)     economic        b) Ukrainian        c) political
3.     Young people enjoy reading teenager’s … magazines.
a)     scientific               b) entertaining         c) funny 
4.     … is a man who publishes articles on interesting topics.
a)     writer                       b) journalist             c) producer

3.     Find the odd word in each group (знайдіть зайве слово):
1.     Fashionable, advice, musical, financial.
2.     Magazine, producer, newspaper, journal.
3.     Economist, financial, administrative, political.
4.     Weekly, monthly, daily, publisher.
5.     Subscriber, writer, reader, appeal.

4.     Put the words in the right order (побудуйте речення).
1.     articles/ different/ write /topics/ on /Journalists/  many.
2.     read /A lot of /about/ people / economics/ don’t /articles.
3.     day/ are/ newspapers/ every /published/ Some.
4.     can’t/ media/ live/ We/ mass/ without.
5.     role /plays /Mass media /in/ important/ an /life/ our.

5.  Choose the right predicate in the Passive Voice.(Виберіть правильний присудок в пасивному стані)

1Tom is writing the letter.

The letter ________________ by Tom.

  was written

  is being written

  has been written

2Everyone understands English.

English ________________ by everyone.

  is understood

  has been understood

  was understood

3The professor told him not to talk in class.
He ________________ by the professor not to talk in class.
  has been told
  was told
  was being told

4The fire has destroyed the house.
The house ________________ by the fire.
  has been destroyed
  was being destroyed
  is destroyed
5This surprises me.
I ________________ by this.
  would have been surprised
  will be surprised
  am surprised

Wednesday, the twentieth of May.
Reading Test.
There is a plenty of entertainments in the world and people can choose them according to their tastes, mood or maybe opportunities. Entertainments include films, TV, books, concerts, cinemas, theatres, discos, travelling and different parties. Some families prefer to take their children to museums, art galleries or parks at the weekends. It's a nice way of spending free time together for the whole family. It is quite normal for British families to visit theme parks in summer. The amusements on offer at such parks include a range of rides in various ways, some of them can bathe you in the water. The really adventurous rides turn you upside down at great speed. It's very exciting for all visitors. And this must be how the British enjoy themselves most because last year the nine most famous theme parks attracted more than twenty million visitors. The British Museum is another place which attracts people in their free time. It is officially described as the National Library and Museum of History, Archaeology, Art and Ethnography. Here it is possible to find great collections, including exhibits from the Pacific islands (ancient Polynesian idols) and America (the Aztec sculptures).

І.   What are the entertainments in the text? Copy out them of the text. (Випишіть з тексту назви всіх розваг, всього 12)
 ІІ.   Mark the sentences true or false.(Правильні/неправильні твердження)
1.    People have got a great variety of entertainments.
2.    Their choice depends on their tastes only.
3.   A cinema and a theatre are a part of entertainment.
4.    British families visit theatres at the weekend.
5.   The most adventurous moment in a theme park is bathing in the water.
6.    Theme parks are very popular with British families.
 ІІІ. Translate the sentences into English using the text.
1. У наші дні є багато розваг у світі.
2. Деякі сім'ї люблять водити своїх дітей в музеї, картинні галереї на вихідних.
3.  Минулого року дев'ять тематичних парків привабили більше ніж 20 мільйонів відвідувачів.
4.Один із захоплюючих атракціонів є поїздка догори ногами з високою швидкістю.

Tuesday, the nineteenth of May.
Listening Test (Контрольна робота з аудіювання).

Записуєте сьогоднішню дату, Task I (Правильні/Неправильні твердження), Task II(Вибір правильної відповіді)

Friday, the fifteenth of May.
Write an essay "Mass media in my life" (Напиши твір про роль ЗМІ в твоєму житті, 10-15 речень)

Wednesday, the thirteenth of May.
British Press.
Watch the videolesson and do the tasks(Подивіться відео урок, зробіть конспект і надішліть мені. Завдання з аудіювання: слухаєте текст і закінчуєте речення)

Tuesday, the twelfth of May
My Favourite Magazine.
1. Read the text of ex.1,p.270.
2. Answer the questions of ex.2,p.270.(письмові відповіді)
3. How to write an essay about a favourite magazine 
Homework:write an essay about your favourite magazine (напишіть повідомлення про свій улюблений журнал)

Friday, the eighth of May.
1. Vocabulary practice.Ex.3,p.268.
2. Do Ex.1,p.268.
Homework:Ex 4,p.269.(Кодуєте)

Wednesday, the sixth of May.
The Internet.
1. Write an entry in your blog.(Напишіть повідомлення в свій блог, можна фантазувати) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hruTXJaLpg

Tuesday, the fifth of May.
 Ukrainian Newspaper.
1. Vocabulary practice. Нажми тут. 
2. Reading.

Ukrainian Newspapers and Magazines.

Newspapers and magazines play a very important part in our life. Practically there is no family that does not read them. We can learn many things from newspapers. Newspapers help us in many ways. There are a lot of different kinds of newspapers in our country.

The media in Ukraine are a single public structure. It provides the society with up-to-date detailed information, which concerns political, economical, social, cultural and other important aspects. Their main aim is to influence the general public and form their views and ideals. The freedom of the mass media in Ukraine has become real today. The mass media are free to choose their own ownership, genre, type and periodicity.

The mass media in Ukraine have to overcome many difficulties in their long history. The beginning of Ukrainian press is considered the "Kharkov Weekly". It was founded in 1812. The newspaper tried to attract people’s attention to the problems of economic, political and cultural life of the country. Then other newspapers in different regions of Ukraine appeared. Giving people complete and accurate information about the latest events in the country and abroad was not an easy task at first. Even today the profession of a journalist is considered to be one of the most dangerous.

At present Ukraine has a large variety of newspapers and magazines. You may find newspapers of all kinds: national and local, official and private, special newspapers for children, teenagers, businessmen, etc. Every newspaper has its readers. Most popular nowadays are business newspapers and women’s magazines.

You can buy Newspapers  practically everywhere. It is impossible to read all the newspapers and magazines. Everyone has favourite ones. My favourite newspaper is "Komsomolskaya Pravda". We can read almost about everything in this newspaper. There are articles dealing with home and abroad news, sport events, life of favourite actors and singers and even the weather. We can find many interesting things there. We can read some useful pieces of advice, some stories about our life, and so on. There are puzzles, songs and even anecdotes there. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" is one of the most interesting newspapers, to my mind.

Among Ukraine’s information agencies special popularity have the UKRIN-FORM (Ukrainian Information Agency), UNIAN (Ukrainian News Independent Agency), and several others. These agencies have correspondents and reporters throughout the country and abroad. So it is not difficult nowadays to receive information about the most important events in Ukraine and abroad.

 Homework: Write a topic about Press in Ukraine(Напишіть повідомлення 10-15 речень)

Wednesday, the twenty second of April.
British Newspapers.
1. Vocabulary practice. Натисни тут.
2. Reading. Ex.1,p.260.
3. Do Ex.2,p.261(лише слово, яке вибрали)
Homework:Ex 5,p.262.

Tuesday, the twenty eighth of April. 
Newspaper's Articles.
1. Vocabulary practice.Ex.2,p.257.
2. Reading. Ex.4,p.258.
3. Grammar. Quite/rather:

1. I could not believe what had happened.It was    ...        amazing.

2. The people I work with are       ...   unfriendly.

3. Tom must go on a singing tour soon .He has    ...   a good voice.

4. John is a hard worker but he is    ...   slow.

5. It is well -paid but it is    ...   a hard job.

6. We     ...   understand what you are feeling.

7. Italy was the ideal place for our romantic holidays.It was    ...     wonderful.

8. I have been told a strange ghost story.It is   ...   incredible.

9. What you are suggesting is    ...    impossible.I am sorry.


10. The teacher's explanation was   ...   interesting. This time I understood everything !   

Homework:Ex 1,p.265(записуєте лише слова,які вставили)

Friday, the twenty fourth of April.
1. Read about the stucture of a newspaper.
What kinds of news do  you like to read in a newspaper.(Write -напишіть)
2. Do Ex.3,p.255.
Homework:Ex 6,p.256 (записуєте лише слова,які вставили)

Wednesday, the twenty second of April.
1. Vocabulary practice.
 -  ''quality'' newspaper – a newspaper of a high standard;
-         ''tabloid'' newspaper – a newspaper on smaller pieces of paper, usually with many pictures and without much serious news
2. Reading.
  Newspaper is a publication that presents and comments on the news. Newspapers play an important role in shaping public opinion and informing people of current events.
  The first newspapers were probably handwritten newssheets posted in public places. The earliest daily newssheets was ''Acta Diurna'' (''Daily Events'') which started in Rome in 59 B. C. The first printed newspaper was Chinese publication called ''Dibao'' (''Ti-pao'') started in A. D. 700's. It was printed from carven (вирізблених) wooden blocks. The first regularly published newspaper in Europe was ''Avisa Relation'' or ''Zeitung'', started in Germany in 1609.
   Newspapers have certain advantages over other mass media – magazines, TV and radio. Newspaper can cover more news and in much detail than TV and radio newscasts can do. Magazines focus on major national and international of the preceding week. But newspaper focuses on local news as well and provides information and comments faster than magazine can do.
  There are about 1.700 daily and 7.500 weekly newspapers in the US. The circulation of some weeklies is no more than a few hundred of copies per issue and the circulation of some dailies is over a million of copies.
  There are daily newspapers and weekly newspapers. Daily newspapers print world, national and local news. Many dailies are morning papers, others are afternoon papers. Sunday issues of the dailies are usually larger than the weekday ones. They may include special sections on such topics as entertainment, finance and travel or Sunday magazine, a guide to TV programs, colored comics. The major dailies in the USA are ''Christian Science Monitor'', ''New York Times'', '' USA Today'', ''Wall Street Journal'', ''Washington Post''.
  Weekly newspapers serve usually for smaller areas. They are printed in small communities where people know each other and are interested in activities of their friends and neighboursWeeklies report of weddings, births, deaths and news of local business and politics. Most weeklies do not print world or national news.

2  Choose the right answer.
1. Newspaper is a publication that presents and comments on_      .
a)    the news;
b)   the adventures;
c)    the political events;

2. The first newspapers were probably hand-written newssheets posted in_      .
a)    shops;
b)   streets;
c)    public places;

3. The first regularly published newspaper in Europe started in_      in 1609.
a)    Germany;
b)   Great Britain;
c)    France;

4. There are about_     newspapers in the US.
a)    1.600 daily and 7.400 weekly;
b)   1.800 daily and 8.500 weekly;
c)    1.700daily and 7.500 weekly;

5. _   of the dailies are usually larger than the weekday ones.
a)    Saturday issues;
b)   Sunday issues;
c)    Monday issues;

6. _   serve usually for smaller areas.
a)    Monthly newspapers;
b)   Weekly newspapers;
c)    Daily newspapers;

7. Most weeklies do not print_    .
a)    news of local business and politics;
b)   world or national news;
c)    news of weddings, births, deaths.

3.  Match the words with their translations.(Кодуєте)
important role
випуски (газет)
public opinion
місцеві новини
local news
важлива роль
суспільна думка
10.    weddings

Homework: Write a letter to your English-speaking friend about the publications you usually read. (Написати листа англомовному другу про газети, які ти зазвичай читаєш.)

Tuesday, the twenty first of April. 
Profession of a Journalist
1. Review (повторіть) the vocabulary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5ShzItklYE 
2. Reading. Ex.2,p.250. Make a list of the skills of a good journalist from the text, add our own ( випишіть навички хорошого журналіста (8) з тексту і добавте свої)
3. Grammar. Adverbs: Quite (в більшій мірі)/ Rather (в меншій мірі) / Almost ( майже)
Homework: Ex.4,p.249 (записуєте лише слова, які вставили)

Friday, the seventeenth of April.
Mass Media.
1.Watch the video and learn new words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5ShzItklYE    (Подивіться відео, випишіть нову лексику з укр. перекладом і вивчіть її.Все крім запитань. Вся лексика систематизована в кінці відео)

Wednesday, the fifteenth of April.
Test "Ukraine"
       I.      Choose the correct item  

    1.     The main territory of Ukraine is …
a)     flat    b) mountainous    c) a desert
     2.     Ukraine is washed by …seas.
a)     two    b) three   c) four
     3.     Hoverla is … metres high.
a)     1.042    b)    3. 051    c) 2.061
4.     Ukraine occupies an area of ….
a)     603.700 square kilometers    b) 602.700 square kilometers   
c) 503.700 square kilometers
5.     The  highest point of the Crimean Mountains is …
a)     Hoverla    b) Roman-Kosh    c) Ben Nevis
6.     The … is the major river in Ukraine.
a)     Dnister    b) Bug    c) Dnipro

       II.   Complete  the sentences.
         1.     The Carpathians are situated in … part of Ukraine.
2.     The largest lakes in Ukraine are…
3. The climate of Ukraine is...
4. There are ... regions in Ukraine.
5. Ukrainian people are..
6. Geographical centre of Europe is in ...

 III. Write the sentences using Passive Voice.
1.     I bought potatoes yesterday. 2. We shall bring the books tomorrow. 3. They are repairing the clock now. 4. They sell milk in this shop. 5. I have translated the whole text. 6. They broke the window last week. 7. We shall do the work in the evening. 8. He wrote this book in the 19th century. 9. He stole a lot of money from the shop. 10. At six o'clock they finished the work.

IV. Write about the place you live.

Tuesday, the fourteenth of April. 
Our Motherland
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box (записуєте лише слова, що вставили)
Nature, independent, mountains, traditions, river, generous

1. We are the sitizens of an _______ state.
2. Ukrainians are _______ and hard-working people.
3. Our country has many _______, forest and rivers.
4.  The longest _______ of our country is the Dnipro.
5. The ______of Ukraine is very beautiful.
6.  Ukrainians keep their _________ with great honour.
2. Quiz “What do you know  about Ukraine?”
1. Where is Ukraine situated?
2. What countries does Ukraine border on?
3. What is the population of Ukraine?
4. What is the longest river of Ukraine?
5. What is Ukraine washed by?
6. Name the biggest cities of Ukraine?
7. What is the official language in our country? 
8. What is the capital of our country?
3.  Open the brackets using Present, Past or Future Simple Passive.
1     Bread (to eat) every day. 2. The letter (to receive) yesterday. 3. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week. 4. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. 5.I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday. 6. Many houses (to build) in our town every year. 7. This work (to do) tomorrow. 8. This text (to translate) at the last lesson. 9. These trees (to plant) last autumn. 10. Many interesting games always (to play) at our PT lessons.

Homework: learn the poem:
Love your dear Motherland,
Love it with your whole heart,
Love Ukraine when the days are happy,
Love when the days are dark,
Cherish your Mother tongue,
Cherish your family root,
Never stop thinking of your parents
And make their life good.

Friday, the tenth of April.
Prominent Ukrainian
1. Name all prominent Ukrainians you know.
2. Lesia Ukrayinka. Ex.2, p.243.
3. Ex.3, p.244 ( найдіть в тексті слова, що означають слідуюче)
4.Grammar. Passive voice. Ex.5,p.245( in writing)
Homework: poem "Love Ukraine" by heart. Ex.4,p.245(напам'ять)

Wednesday, the eighth of April.
Ukraine and Ukrainians
1.Revise the knowledge about Ukraine. Ex.3,p.241.
2. Ukrainians as a nation. Read Ex.2,p.240. Make a list of the adjectives (складіть список прикметників) to describe Ukrainians.
Do Ex.5,p.241 (in writing)
Homework: Mini project Ex.6, p.242.(повідомлення про красиве місце в Україні в межах 10-15 речень)

Tuesday, the seventh of April.
Outstanding Ukrainians
1. Matching, Ex.1,p.237.
2. Read the information in Ex.4,p.238 about famous people and name them (номер розповіді - ім'я).
3. Listen to the story about Oksan Baiul and finish the sentences:

1) Oksana Baiul is a Ukrainian champion in .......
2) She was born in ....
3) When she was a child she used to........ so she could train there.
4) Her coach Halyna was the only person who believe......... was destined to go to the ball.
5) All her dreams ...
6) Her life .... , it was unbelievable.
7) Oksana arrived to the USA and married to ...
8) New rich life changed Oksana, she used to drink ....
9) Victor said she became...
10) Oksana realized how much she liked to.....
Homework: Ex.5,p.239( in writing)

Friday, the third of April.
Regional Town.
1.Vocabulary practice. Натисни тут. 
2. Read and translate the text:
Kropyvnytskyi (former Kirovohrad) is a city located in the center of Ukraine, the administrative center of the Kirovograd region, an industrial and cultural center.The population of Kropyvnytskyi is about 232 thousand peope.The City Day of Kropyvnytskyi is celebrated on the third Saturday of September.
Kropyvnytskyi is located  on the banks of the Ingul River , in the steppe zone. The climate is moderately continental with mild winters and warm (sometimes hot) summers. 
The basis of local industry is agricultural engineering, food and mining industries. Urban public transport is represented by trolleybuses, buses and minibuses.
A number of old buildings, constructed mainly in the second half of the 19th century, have been preserved, including religious buildings. There are many sights in  Kropyvnytskyi: Fortress of St. Elizabeth (1754), many museums  such as Local History Museum, Art Museum and  Elvorti Factory Museum. Elvorti Factory was one of the oldest and largest in Europe factories of agricultural machinery of its time, specialized in the production of seeders. The factory was founded by British brothers Robert and Thomas Elvorti. In 1994, after the restoration of Elvorti’s house, the museum of the factory was opened. Today, the museum has more than 3,500 exhibits. There are many churches and  Main Synagogue in Kropyvnytskyi too.
Other place of interest is Arboretum. This park is one of the most popular holiday destinations for locals and visitors of Kropyvnytskyi. The park with an area of 45 hectares was created in 1958. In 2008, it was recognized as the best park in Ukraine. At the end of April, about 100 thousand tulips bloom here. In the park there is an entertainment area with rides, cafes, and restaurants. Another famous sight in the town is Kropyvnytskyi Academic Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater. People like to visit it very much. 
Kropyvnytskyi has the reputation of one of the centers of Ukrainian folk choreography. It was created by such famous local dance groups as the Academic Theater of Music, Song and Dance “Zoryane”, the Honored Folk Dance Ensemble of Ukraine “Yatran”, the song and dance ensemble “Spring”, the folk ballroom ensemble “Convalia”, and others.

Kropyvnytskyi city flag                                                                                                                             Kropyvnytskyi city coat of arms

Kropyvnytskyi city flag

                       Kropyvnytskyi city coat of arms
4.Do Ex.6,p.229 (wr.)
Homework: topic " Our regional town"

Wednesday, the first of April.
Cities of Ukraine.
1. Look at the map of Ukraine on page 233. What cities have you visited?
2.Read about different Ukrainian cities (Ex.2,p.233) and do True|False task. (В зошиті записуєте дату!)

3. Do the test:
1.The first Ukrainian newspapaper was published in ...
a) Kyiv              b) Ternopil           c) Lviv
2. The day of the city is celebrated on October 8 in...
a) Lviv               b) Odesa               c) Chernivtsi
3. A great battle near Poltava was...
a) won                b) not lost             c) lost
4. Danylo was Lev's ...
a) son                 b) brother              c) father
5. Chernivtsi Univercity is celebrated ...   anniversary/
a) the hundredth           b) the one hundred and thirtieth        c)the one hundred and tenth
6. Many remarkable people were born in ...
a) London          b)Lviv              c)Kyiv
7. Who was the governer of Odesa?
a)English        b) Spanish     c)German
8.Lviv was named after...
a) a lion           b ) the Prince Yaroslav the Wise         c) the son of  king Danylo
Homework: Describe your favourite town.(За зразком впр.2,с.233; до 10 речень)

Ukrainian Superstitions(забобони)
1. Do Ex.5,p.232(   письмово в зошиті)
2. Listen and say what traditions and superstitions the American is speaking about( написати про які укр. традиції та забобони говорить американець )) можна українською)   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5s68auxlLBI
3.Grammar Review. Passive Voice ( to be  + V3).
Homework: Ex.3,p.230( поставити абзаци тексту в логічному порядку і заповнити табличку, записати в зошит)
Виконані завдання фотографуєте і присилаєте мені на Viber.

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